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Killer Casting

Apr 16, 2022

Lisa, Dean, Matt and Mj resume their coverage of the brilliant Apple TV+ production Severance. Soak it up peeps !

Meanwhile, here are some links to help you binge on yet more goodies, now that the series finale has aired.

In a marketing masterstroke, Apple Books have released a faux expose book by a fictional woman named Margaret “Peg” Kincaid. The book purports too be a tell-all by Peg spilling the beans on what’s really happening at Lumon. Get it from Apple Books. 

Seven awesome behind the-scenes stories you never knew about the making of Series 1. The first story by some guy called Dan Erickson ….

The story behind the EPIC opening titles designed by enfant terrible Oliver Latta (aka Extraweg) In Dean’s opinion already the best titles of 2022 and unlikely to be beaten.

The Den of Geek article Dean mentioned deep diving on the fascination sci-fi has with corridors

A constantly updating guide to all of the irl locations where Severance was filmed, not least the iconic Bell Works in Holmdel, New Jersey which serves as the Lumon head office. 

An spooky recent picture gallery of the deserted Bell Works Lab designed by Finnish legend Eero Saarinen

Roxanna Hadadi over at Vulture has her own suspicions about what exactly Lumen is up to and what we might fond out in Series 2
Her own suspicions about what exactly Lumen is up to and what we might fond

And finally Roxanna’s colleague Jackson McHenry has this great piece on the insanely great (see what I did there) Production Design of the series

And as always, our episodes come to you courtesy of our friends at Plantiva. Learn more at and use the promo code KC25 to get 25% off your next order !